Monday, February 7, 2011

If “Security Firm” HBGary knows “high command” of Anonymous…

Lates news and updates,Accoring to the internet media, its all about the lates news and updates,internet media provided real hot topic information,Why then weren’t they contracted by the U.S. Dept of (in)Justice to find the sender of the email on the White House LAN, who gave Pooter Libby the information to help the BushTards punish Valerie Plame Wilson for not backing up their LIES about WMDs?
Wouldn’t the Capital Murders of 7000+ U.S. soldiers committed by the CheneyBush Kartel stir patriotic interest on the part of ANY of them?
One of the Bush Lies was that they HAD initiated a thorough investigation into the Plame leak, but couldn’t find anything.
Yet Disney and other entertainment outlets can find not only the ORIGIN of a file transfer, but also the computer receiving the data, or so they claim.

Source:If “Security Firm” HBGary knows “high command” of Anonymous…
