Latest news and updates According to the internet media its all about latest news and updates,internet media provided real hot topic information,A freshman state representative from Tennessee boasts it’s her experience in tight t-shirts that got her elected as a state representative in the November election. Julia Hurley, 29, says in the current edition of Hooters Magazine (to which I subscribe solely for the articles), “If I could make it at Hooters, I could make it anywhere.”
Not hurting Hurley’s chances was the fact that several former customers contributed to her campaign. She beat out a Democratic incumbent in a conservative district west of Knoxville. Hurley claims she honed her business sense and networking skills while working at Hooters.julia hurly is vary 2 and copition all him. She currently works as a “consultant and entrepreneur,”
Source:Julia Hurley, Former R-Rated Waitress, Goes to Washington