Laura Mendoza Govan Serves Gilbert Arenas at Halftime!Lates news and updates,Accoring to the internet media, its all about the lates news and updates,internet media provided real hot topic information,According to the internet media,its all abou the latest news and updates Gilbert Arenas and the Orlando Magic got served by LeBron James (51 points!) and the Miami Heat on Thursday night.
Midway through that disappointing game, meanwhile, the controversial point guard got served in a different manner: a process serverLaura Mendoza Govan Serves Gilbert Arenas at Halftime! presented Arenas with child support lawsuit documents as he exited the court at halftime.Govan is the mother of three kids with Arenas, and she’s expecting the couple’s fourth.
But she claims the former All-Star – who was suspended last season for bringing guns into his team’s locker room and who reportedly spends $5,000/month on pet shark food – abandoned her and his children when he was traded in December.
Source:Laura Mendoza Govan Serves Gilbert Arenas at Halftime!