Latest news and updates According to the internet media its all about latest news and updates, internet media provided real hot topic information,Brian Barrett — Want to Up Those Math SAT Scores? Try ElectricityIf you're not among the mathematically gifted, there's hope for you yet—and doesn't involve any studying. Instead, researches have found that a little electric stimulation may add up to better math skills.
Participants in the study were given a one milliamp electrical stimulus across the parietal lobe for 20 minutes a day. It doesn't amount to more than a tingle, according to Oxford University's Cohen Kadosh, but the 20 and 21-year old student volunteers who underwent the treatment found their performance level significantly improved on a battery of tests. Not only that, but the boost still held six months after the initial jolting.
Two quick thoughts. First, please don't try to self-electroshock your way through differential equations. Second, would this process be more or less expensive than a kickass graphing calculator? [Reuters]
Source:Want to Up Those Math SAT Scores? Try Electricity