Lates news and updates,Accoring to the internet media, its all about the lates news and updates,internet media provided real hot topic information,Rhu Rho. The good news: Christina Aguilera sang the National Anthem LIVE before the Superbowl tonight. The bad news: She screwed up the lyrics. OOPS.
Lea Michele took the safe route, lip-singing a snoozy version of America the Beautiful. ETA: Some of you think Lea sang live, but to me, the performance sounded pre-recorded. We’ll find out soon enough. ETAA: Either way, it was still snoozy.
Check em both out after the jump…
Bonus: Justin Beiber/Ozzy Osbourn Ad plus cool NFL ad featuring TV shows.
Christina Aguilera – National Anthem
Source:Christina Aguilera – National Anthem, Lea Michele – Superbowl 2011